Heal & Seal

A Program for Diastasis Recti & The Pelvic Floor

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Healing and restoration for women

In all stages and phases.

What is heal & seal

Heal & Seal is a created, not duplicated program for the core and pelvic floor with treatment specific to the individual woman and her symptoms beginning with an assessment of abdominal function and abdominal/fascial integrity.

What is diastasis recti?

Diastasis Recti is a thinning and spreading the midline fascia, the Linea Alba, not necessarily abdominal separation. This often happens in pregnancy but can happen at any time, due to an imbalance of intra-abdominal pressure, creating the adaption of the fascial midline, a diastsis.

What is pelvic floor dysfuntion?

PFD has a variety of symptoms associated with it but is essentially when the pelvic floor does not maintain appropriate tension creating symptoms such as incontinence, vaginal/perineal heaviness, prolapse, pain with intercourse, lack of vaginal sensation etc.

Can I heal?

Absolutely! A woman's body is powerful and adaptable no matter how old you are, whether you had vaginal delivery or c-section, grandmother, or not a mother. Diastasis and PFD is a muscular condition and muscles can be trained!

Start Here

Book an Evaluation today so we can learn all about you, your health history, your symptoms, and goals. Evaluations are 30 minutes with a certified Heal & Seal Instructor including a thorough core evaluation..

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