There’s More to the Story…

There’s More to the Story…

Living steady is something I’ve learned this past year but didn’t quite understand back in the 2010’s.

Once I began training and changing up my routine because having kids IS something I wanted, I found something new to obsess over. Fitness Competitions.

Kristin was a trainer, dieting and conditioning for a Figure Competition. Watching her train was amazing. She was so strong and her body showed it. I loved it. I wanted it. Another co-worked invited to tag along to her competition and that’s when I saw the fitness girls. Cartwheels, handstands, one armed pushups. Muscles and heels. I decided then and there I was going to be on that stage.

What you don’t know about me, is my entire life, people have told me I can’t. I will never be successful, strong, pretty, a good leader, enough….too much….all of it.

Once I shared I wanted to do this, the nay-sayers just CAME OUTTA NOWHERE.

Fortunately I am super stubborn and not only did I do my first show, on the same stage, and I won.

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I learned my body could do something absolutely incredible and extreme and insane if I just commit 100%. Without question, without excuse, just GO!

Fast forward two years, a few more shows later, and I decided my next step wasn’t tanner and posing suits, but to have a family with my husband who I married not a year after the above pics!

Infertility Struck…
When you diet as I did, you DO stop menstruating. Literally what those initial trainers warned me of but it was in the name of a trophy so it felt worth it.It took me a year to finally ovulate again and another year to get pregnant. And then I lost that pregnancy.

Nothing has ever been easy for me. Ever.

In truth, I’m ok with that. Looking back, all the adversity has developed the stubborn gym owner I am today.Infertility gave me a layer of emotional empathy I had never experienced before. As you can imagine, the character I had that drove me to a trophy was great for competing but did not allow for empathy. I was black or white. Left or right. Yes or no. Do it or don’t.

For the first time, life was out of my control completely and this is where I FIRST began my dive into hormones, the menstrual cycle, and how they all played a role together in overall HEALTH for women.

It’s also where I realized women HAVE to be trained differently than men. Why? Because we ARE different. Physically in our bone structure but hormonally as well.