Over and over again women make their way into StrongHER and other gyms with the goal of losing weight.
“I want to lose 50lbs” or insert number because of insert reason. Aesthetics (which is totally ok!), reversing a health diagnosis, or combination of things.
What you and these women don’t realize is there is a HUGE difference between losing WEIGHT and losing FAT.
First let me share that losing FAT can and does equal a drop in the number of pounds you see on the scale BUT the change you see and feel is drastically different and requires a shift in focus.
Lets dig into WEIGHT LOSS….
When the goal is to lose weight…pounds, we focus on the scale and thwart all of our efforts into seeing that number decrease.
We count points like Weight Watchers, calories, do a ton of cardio, and cut down on our portion sizes.
AND WE LOSE WEIGHT! For a while…but it doesn’t stick
Not only are we metabolizing SOME fat cells, we are also metabolizing MUSCLE TISSUE which can account for the weight rebound so many of you ladies experience when you come off the diet and stop the cardio.
There is no permanent metabolic change, only a temporary shift with what you give your body and the stress you put on it which we ALL know, less sleep (nutrients) and more stress (work) equals dysfunction over a prolonged period of time.
THAT is why WEIGHT loss is not and should NEVER be your focus or driving force.
Stick with me as we discuss the difference with FAT LOSS on Wednesday!
If this is you and you find yourself struggling, set up an appointment with me. Come tour the gym, chat through your health history and see if you like us!